Vectorvault + Brita + WalMart = Awesomeness

by | Nov 23, 2011 | design project, eco-friendly, featured, Vector Art


Charitable Water Bottles

Here is a perfect example of vector art in action. With a very tight timeline, and multiple versions to produce, I took on this assignment for Brita and WalMart.
Someone was nice enough to send me a couple of samples. I’ve got them up on the shelf as a reminder of the project. It was fun to work on with allot of room to play. I hope you like where they ended up.

All of the elements used to build these can from The Vectorvault Vector Library. Take a look for yourself here.

NFT Collectable

Pulled from the deep and transported by fishing trawler to a secret military port in the Caspian Sea. Then under the cover of night, moved slowly into the heart of Mother Russia. Rusted hydraulics peppered with 50 year old tank munitions. A relic of a secret battle from the Cold War, with orders to revive it for service - at any cost.

This one-of-a-kind NFT was animated manually - one frame at a time.

Never to be duplicated.

150+ layers
Infinite Animation
Learn more about this piece and my other NFTs on my Foundation Portfolio.


[bigcommerce_product id=”1649,765,282,1440″ order=”ASC” orderby=”date”]


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