“Illustrator is Adobe’s oldest app, going back to 1987. What’s called “Illustrator CS5″ is actually Illustrator 15. In September of 2003, when Adobe released its original Creative Suite collection, Illustrator shared a common user interface (UI) with Photoshop and InDesign. Though many of the tools and panels in many of the CS5 apps look and operate similarly, each app has it’s own hidden power. It seems to us that there’s more power hiding in Adobe Illustrator (Ai) than any other app in the Master Collection.”
Adobe Illustrator CS5 Classroom in a Book seems to be one of the highest rated instructional books on the market for this software. It’s language is easy to follow and it’s laced with colourful illustrations and screen captures. If you are a little daunted by the application, this book should give you a real confidence boost.
An excellent companion for any designer of any level as well.
Learn more.
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