
All aboard

Take a closer look at the detail and craftsmanship that went into this vector piece.
Learn more about Pablo Ladosa and his vector cityscapes.

“I loved art and tech since I was a kid, drawing, painting and sculpture, and since I started to playing on the computer with Illustrator and 3D software, at the age of 12. I loved to spend the evenings designing.

I worked in Madrid and London. Through my art and illustration practice I tried to developed my own visual expression mostly futuristic. But It’s combinig a definite sense of nostalgia with a modern-high tech setting.”

Pablo Ladosa

Retail Point of Sale Design Workbook

As Creative Director for a large printing company for over 8.5 years, I was tasked with designing promotional pieces that our sales team could give away. Rather than focus attention on Account Managers, I chose to design a work book for the "creative types".

I assembled pages that would be useful for a person who was tasked with creating displays and packaging. As someone who often doodled images during meetings, I figured that there were others just like me. So I designed it with myself in mind.
This was designed for and produced by

Looking for some neon ambiance today?

Take this 80’s-inspired soundtrack for a spin:


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