Surprise, Surprise
Imagine what things would be like without digital art? Take a look at the first human likeness to ever be displayed on a computer screen.
Identifying anchorpoints with a light pen and then connecting those mathematical locations was the start of something big.
It was the seed, for a shift in the way that human beings visualize and express themselves. In fact, Vectorvault exists because of it.
In the late 1950s, an anonymous IBM employee made a lady from the pages of Esquire come to life on the screen of a $238 million military computer.
Hubba, Hubba
Even back in the 50’s, they knew that the most efficient method of displaying images was using vector art. And they still required a warehouse full of refrigerator-sized computers to do it.
Today you can hold much more on something far smaller. Making the small file sizes of Vector Art even more relevant than they were 60 years ago.
No small task for this pioneering military technology
Now, visualizing foxy ladies on a computer screen may seem pretty main stream these days, back in the 1950’s it required computing power of an unparalleled level.
It makes you appreciate how far digital art has come, and the importance of mathematical points and angles. It seems that Vector Art has been there from the beginning, and by the looks of it, and the size of things to come, not going anywhere anytime soon.
Get the whole story – anchor point by anchor point
Read this about this interesting moment in computer history. I wonder of this guy knew the effect it would have on graphic design. Or the web for that matter. Click here.
Source: The Atlantic
(VIDEO) Vector-based Arcade Games of the 80?s
Vector art has gone on to have it’s impact on the way that we play.
Take a trip down memory lane with us: