The making of riBith – TASSO

by | Feb 17, 2008 | Vector Art, Video


California, USA

Tasso has created an incredible portrait of model Ribith Leang. The end product is terrific, but the journey he took to get there is also worth looking at. Enjoy this time lapsed capture of the process.


“I like to surround myself with creative people and philosophical thinkers. I’d love to philosophize with Alan, discuss physics with Albert, pick apart Sigmund’s mind, and explore as much of this world with each and every person focussed enough to take it all in piece by piece. There’s something interesting about everyone and when I connect with individuals I feel individual — and that is a great feeling”



  1. Alberto

    The video was certainly a great addition to this post. I watched it all the way through. It’s interesting to see another illustrator’s style (even at high speed). Vector art is time consuming and detailed work. Great article.

  2. vector fox

    I thought that the audio was a perfect compliment.
    I love watching the process. Hypnotic. This kid’s got “it”


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