Save Your Work

by | Jul 10, 2013 | Vector News


A gentle reminder from someone who has paid the price

It happens. One moment you are galloping along punching your keyboard like Commander Data of the Star Ship Enterprise and then the unthinkable happens – Your computer freezes. Ouch.

save your work

save your work

Tears on my keyboard

It happened to me recently, and after I wiped the tear from my eye, I lit a candle for the masterpiece that the world will never see. Farewell.
Try not to follow in my footsteps. I got caught up in the act of building and ended up taking my eye off the ball. The next thing I knew – it was time to start it all over again.

Get in the habit

Write a sticky note that says “Save” and put it on your monitor. If you are feeling really ambitious, set some automated timers to pop up during an intense project. Either way, try to keep it top of mind. Auto save is great, but as a designer, you should try to make it a part of your process.

This post is my penance

I hope that I learned my lesson this time.

(Video) Hide&Seek by Malika Favre

(Video) Hide&Seek by Malika Favre



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