Tuesday, July 26, 2011 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Hotel Ocho, 195 Spadina Avenue
Join RGD Ontario for a glass of wine, hors doeuvres and an evening of informal logo-discussion as we present some iconic and some notorious logos that have made headlines recently and ask you to offer up your thoughts on what worked and what didnt.
How it Works
For the first hour, each registrant will be assigned to a group of 10-15 people and will visit each of the logo-stations throughout the room. At each station there will be a logo leader who will direct the discussion. The last hour will be an unstructured networking session.
Logo Discussion Leaders Include:
Mikey Richardson R.G.D., Creative Director, Amoeba Corp,
speaking about the Science Channel logo.
Alex Wigington R.G.D., Principal and Creative Director, Oxygen Design Agency,
speaking about the Google logo.
JP Lacroix R.G.D., President, Shikatani Lacroix Brandesign Inc.
Adam Antoszek-Rallo R.G.D., Creative Director, Catalyst Workshop Inc. discussing the
OCAD U logo
Pricing (+ HST + Eventbrite registration fee):
Member*: $30
Non-Member: $40
Group Member**: $35 each
** A group is 3 or more people coming from the same company.
Please note that you must pay the registration fee in advance in order to guarantee your spot.
To register please visit http://logoagogo.eventbrite.com.
If you have any questions please contact Mark at 1.888.274.3668 x 27 or [email protected]
Sent by:
Creative Niche on behalf of
The Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario (RGD Ontario)
96 Spadina Avenue, Suite 210
Toronto ON M5V 2J6 Canada
Tel: 1.888.274.3668; in Toronto: 416.367.8819
Fax: 416.367.9150
Web: www.rgdontario.com
R.G.D., RGD and Registered Graphic Designer are Official Marks owned by the Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario.
Sounds like an excellent networking event and opportunity to discuss logos!