SOLD – “Office Portrait” – Painting by Adam Jarvis

by | Oct 18, 2020 | character design, featured, inspiration, paintings


Traditional Illustration to stay sharp

My wife bought me some wood panel canvases that have been sitting in my studio all week. Last night, this image popped into my head and I could not shake it loose. So today, I pealed myself off of my computer and decided to make it a thing.

The greatest threat to North American jobs is not immigrants. it’s AI.


NFT Collectable

Pulled from the deep and transported by fishing trawler to a secret military port in the Caspian Sea. Then under the cover of night, moved slowly into the heart of Mother Russia. Rusted hydraulics peppered with 50 year old tank munitions. A relic of a secret battle from the Cold War, with orders to revive it for service - at any cost.

This one-of-a-kind NFT was animated manually - one frame at a time.

Never to be duplicated.

150+ layers
Infinite Animation
Learn more about this piece and my other NFTs on my Foundation Portfolio.


  1. Christina Gwira

    OMG If I had your talent, this is absolutely amazing! You did this in a weekend???

    • Adam Jarvis

      Thanks! – Couple of hours. My wife came home today with a whole bunch of frames. Think she’s trying to tell me something. : )


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