Hello. I’m Nat and I love NFTs.
For 15 years now, I have been working behind the scenes on some really great digital art projects. As Production Manager for Vectorvault, I not only helped to steer projects to their fruition, somewhere along the way I began to feel something else – creative.
Growing things is what I do
I am an active gardener. I adore flowers and I love the colour green. I also have a passion for collecting magazines and beautiful images. For my premier NFT release, I wanted to create something that reflected my interests.
Inspired by other Women in the NFT space
Since the beginning of 2021, I have been heavily involved with Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). I have personally coordinated the production on over 40+.
I was introduced to this world by Canadian Collage Artist Erin McGean (aka Life with Art) through my husband. Her work captivated my attention. After viewing her collection in person at the Toronto Outdoor Art Festival, I bought a piece and came home inspired. I have also connected with many many other talented women in the world of NFTs. Their creations have made me want to try my hand at creating on my own. Their support and encouragement has helped me to overcome my fears and dive in.
My first NFT – “Hummingbird Sanctuary”
I started by combing through hundreds of magazines. Everything from fashion to home decor to entertainment. I removed the pages that evoked an emotional response and began sorting them. Next, I pulled out a cutting board and an exacto knife and started to carefully cut out images. I began arranging them on a balsa wood frame until I had everything in just the right place. Then I took a photo for reference. This process took hours and required a great deal of concentration (with the occasional glass of wine).
Digitally animated to match the physical art
I arranged the cutouts on a scanner and transferred the pieces to the computer. There, I art directed the placement and animation of each piece. I wanted to create a digital video that would reflect the physical piece of art. When you buy one. You get the other.
For the digital piece, I tiptoed through the tulips with a microphone and recorded audio from my garden. I wanted this creation to be personal, special and rare.
Making the art
With my photo reference, I could now glue down the individual pieces to the smooth wooden surface. Using a special mixture of clear glue, egg white and water I adhered all of the elements in their rightful place. In the background a classic House playlist moving me in the right direction.
On the back of the frame I added a gold foil sticker with the 1 of 1 edition number and my very first artistic signature. After wrapping the art in tissue paper and ribbon, my structural designer created a custom box and shipping container. When you purchase this premier NFT the physical art will be ready to be mailed out the next day.
Why invest in my NFT art?
As a black female business co-owner, I know how important it is to create things that stand the test of time. I want to leave behind things that will gain value for NFT collectors. That’s what this piece is.
I am a thoughtful person and a patient one. My intention is to release NFTs that I am proud of and stand behind. Thank you for taking a moment to learn about me and my new passion.