by | Aug 3, 2021

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Natalie Loves NFTs

As NFT Production Manager and Co-owner of Vectorvault, NFT Nat is an art lover and advocate for Creators. Since the beginning of 2021, she has witnessed the rise of Crypto Art Culture and has been an active participant. This married, mother of 2 is a Collector, Consultant and a Collage Artist. She is happiest in front of a stack of vintage magazines and a pair of scissors.

Canadian Digital and Analog Collage Artist


Her work is whimsical and intricate. Using painstaking cutting techniques and applying just the right amount of patience. Her work is unique. The NFTs that come with a (numbered, dated and signed) physical piece of art also come with a certificate of authenticity. Natalie always throws in personal touches that help to give her work verifiable value. Those who invest in NFT Nat are investing in a person who is an active part of the NFT Community.

Blockchain Verified


Nat works from her collage studio in Toronto, Canada where she oversees several digital art projects in various stages of development.

“I have always been an appreciator of art. NFTs have allowed me to cross over as a Creator and build art pieces with value. Thank you work taking an interest in my work.”


Please take a moment to discover her NFT work by following her:

NFT Nat on Twitter
NFT Nat on Instagram

NFT Collections



Representing Black Female NFT Creators in Canada

NFT Nat – Female Collage Artist

“Dragonfly” by NFT Nat

Toronto Nostalgia Collection by NFT Nat

NFT NAT – Crypto Collage Art Reel


    Vectorvault Newsletter



    vectorvault NFT on Foundation vectorvault NFT on Foundation vectorvault NFT on OpenSea Vectorvault NFT Directory NFT Nat collage artist
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