How are you holding up?

by | Oct 20, 2020 | inspiration, Vector Artists, Vector News


Learning and Listening

This entire project has been built in isolation (over 15 years). Much of it, when most of the World was 9-5ing it somewhere. Now that these people find themselves in confinement, many are having a tough time adjusting.
Vectorvault is a therapeutic outlet for myself and others like me. But it is also a place to openly share our thoughts on the subject of mental health.
I am not immune to these effects either. Covid has taken it’s toll on everyone, everywhere.
That’s why this website has evolved past speaking to just designers.
Right now, it’s speaking to you.


This year, we pledge to put more focus on mental health from home.

Why? Because we care about you, that’s why.

Happiness Tip:

Keep a folder of happy photos.
In case of emergency, look at some smiles from the past
and know that there are smiles to follow.


We care about you



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