São Paulo, Brazil –
These colourful faces caught our eye. Julio has done a wonderful job creating this series of vibrant vector portraits. Great job with the whips of hair, especially when knocked out in white.
“Graphic designer, illustrator, freelance and geek culture lover.” 😀
– Julio Veronez
NFT Collectable
Pulled from the deep and transported by fishing trawler to a secret military port in the Caspian Sea. Then under the cover of night, moved slowly into the heart of Mother Russia. Rusted hydraulics peppered with 50 year old tank munitions. A relic of a secret battle from the Cold War, with orders to revive it for service - at any cost.
This one-of-a-kind NFT was animated manually - one frame at a time.
Never to be duplicated.
150+ layers
Infinite Animation
See more of Julio’s Behance Portfolio: