Customizable Vector At Print – "Illusive Wisdom" by Adam Jarvis (VIDEO)

by | Dec 5, 2010 | featured, Quality Vectors, Vector Art, Vector News, Vector Prints, Vector Products, Vectorvault Art Prints


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Vectorvault has officially launched a premium line of custom vector art prints. It’s premier release is a piece of vector art entitled simply: “
Illusive Wisdom” by Adam Jarvis.
For over 16 years, Adam has struggled with a love affair between advertising, design, typography, vector illustration and art. And as each medium has blossomed over time, so too has his own style of expression. This new blend of vector illustration art is a perfect marriage of style, precision and emotion.
But unlike any of Adam’s previous collections, this design has the flexibility to adapt to your tastes. Take a moment to click on any of the images in this post to visit the unique product page that has been set up on the Vectorvault Store. You’ll not only be able to zoom in on some of the finer details of the art, but also change colors and sizes to suit your purpose. This adds a new dimension to shopping for art. One that we hope to pioneer in exciting new directions.

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“About 10 years ago, I was working as a freelance Art Director in an advertising agency in Toronto, Canada. None of the work that I did there remains in my memory today, however something has stuck with me – A quote.
On the wall across from me, someone wrote the following words:

It really spoke to me at a time in my life when I felt very lost and was in search of answers. Ten years later, I find this quote even more relevant. So instead of scribbling it down on a sticky note, I thought that I should share it with others in the form of a piece of art. I hope that you like it.” – Adam Jarvis

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Finding home decor can be an exciting process. Especially if you have the right budget and the time and good taste to seek out what you need. But if you are limited in any of these areas, a helping hand is always welcomed.
As part of our quest for better service and products, Vectorvault continues to strive to make finding exactly what you need easier and more affordable.
Today, it is the consumer who runs the show. In recognition of that we have put the power of choice in your hands:
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Choose from a wide range of color themes. Now you can select art that matches your walls and expresses your own design sensibilities. If we don’t have the colour or size that you are seeking – just ask. We can set up custom prints so that you get precisely what you need.Learn more.
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Rather than pay for customized frames, all of our prints are designed to fit standard IKEA frame sizes. Once your art arrives, you can feel confident pairing it with the frame of your choice. And because IKEA is a global retailer who offers several wood and metal finishes on their frames, we know you are going to get exactly what you want. The print is great, but with the right frame, it will look spectacular. Each purchase comes with a link and product code to the specific frame you need. We take the hassle right out of the process, so that you can focus on choosing what you like.Learn more.
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1 Comment

  1. Ad@m

    Great detail and well designed.


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