Miller Genuine Draft
Visual Library
Account Management:
A special thank you to
Greg Plowe, for years of guiding the MGD Brand to international success.
And to the team at
the Hive who were behind it.
Miller Visual Library is an organic template system used around the world.
Each year, we would take inventory of the feedback from around the world and use it to customize the next shoot and subsequently the next Visual Library.
Always with the same photographer:
Paul Alexander.
The result is a brand that gets better as time goes on.
That brand consitency made it possible to do yearly ammendments and add a wealth of great photopgraphy.
MGD took ownership of a lifestyle. And backed it up with
great events and advertising.
This project was allot of fun.
When I look at it, I remember the great times we had making it.
Some of this footage and photography below was directed by:
With every post you make, my mind expands to see what the possibilities are with something as simple as pen and paper. Again, WOW!
Your efforts have helped me to revive this vision. Really appreciate the kind words and WordPress expertise: