Club, originally uploaded by Our Flickr group has really exploded this year. Every...
Vector Packaging
Vector Packaging Contest Winner – Sovio Winery
Congrats to David Gogarty for his winning design for Sovio Winery label design contest. Via: The...
Vector Packaging Design: Yellow Jacket BBQ Sauce
"Heres a peek at a packaging project that is currently in the works for Saltwater Marsh Bar-B-Q....
Chiquita Unveils Winning Sticker Designs – Vote for your fav
Chiquita Banana have one of the world's most recognizable fruit sticker designs in the world. Now...
SPECIAL DELIVERY: ADT drops off alarming direct mail
- Santiago, Chile Great design comes in small packages it seems these days. For instance, this...
Vector Packaging Design – Brita Water Bottles
As part of their ongoing brand development, Brita has commissioned Adam Jarvis to create several...
Rob Ryan Limited Edition China Plate
Rob Ryan has exclusively designed a print on a fine bone china plate for Paul Smith. This plate is...
Vector Packaging – Palett Paint
Norway - As far as paint packaging goes, this example is by far the most attractive. The simple...
PANTONE Visa® Platinum Rewards Card
Now your sky-rocketing debt is colour coded to an exact shade. Pantone has partnered with Visa to...