The Microsoft Surface® platform brings people together to connect, learn, and decide. It enables...
Vector Info Graphics
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(vector graph book) Information is Beautiful – David McCandless
David McCandless has approached information display from a truly poetic perspective with his book...
DEBTRIS – Visualizing debt through Tetris
International economics is a pretty tough thing to wrap your mind around. But thanks to this...
How would you like your graphic design?
(VIDEO) Indie Sci-fi film produced with no budget
UK - When you hear people say " I made it with no budget", you kind of expect it to look that way....
"Shop Vac" by Jonathan Coulton (Video)
Jonathan Coulton has created a song that captures suburban life. The video is a creative blend of...
Video – Legalize it! – Prop 19 vector animation
The New Leaf is a website dedicated to explain California's Proposition 19 - The legalization of...
"Hey Jude" as a flow chart
Ever ask yourselves: "What if the Beatles had to break their lyrics down into info graphics?" No?...
Infographic – The First Lady's effect on the fashion industry
David Yermack of The Harvard Business Review has put together some interesting statistics...