TRON Uprising which airs on Disney's television channel Disney XD, in the United States. The show...
Vector Animation
(VIDEO) OREO Wonderfilled Anthem
Sharing is good Oreo has launched an vector animated campaign to spread the good will allegedly...
(Video) Spherikal by Ion
From the artist: This is a small animation i did as an exercise to experiment and explore all the...
(VIDEO) FOTB Titles by Süperfad
Superfad gets Magnetic Titles for FOTB were created by Nando Costa through the use of macro motion...
(VIDEO) The Survival of the Sea Turtle
Sea Turtles overcome incredible odds. This adorable Vector Animation highlights their plight....
(VIDEO) Evolution of the F1 Car by Rufus Blacklock
Six decades of Formula One Auto Design Buckle up kids, Rufus Blacklock has designed this...
(VIDEO) Kawaii Merida – Brave – by Jerrod Maruyama
Hot off the Flickr presses, Jerrod Maruyama scores another Disney Bullseye.
The Avengers interface design by Jayse Hansen
Vector Graphics Assemble! Jayse Hansen has really blown us away with the excellent interface work...
(video) Game of Thrones – Opening Animation
By far, one of the most interesting series to capture attention is Game of Thrones. I wanted to...