URBANCE is based on a short film by animator Joel Dos Reis Viegas. The neon-colored series...
Vector Art
Pros and Cons of Vector-based Motion Capture Software
Vector Technology in constant motion Motion capture is a fast-changing area of recording and...
Mondeléz claims Back to School with striking Retail POS
Toronto, Canada, All Aboard The people behind Mondel?z International have ambitiously set their...
Martin Schmetzer – And is Better
Stockholm - Vector Typographic Illustrations for Ford Social Martin Schmetzer has taken his...
The Vector Lab – High Quality Vectors
Quantity is what distinguishes these vectors It's no secret that we here at Vectorvault are big...
Wesley’s Chocolate Factory – Eatertainment Events
Toronto, Canada Legendary Toronto Event Dynamos Do it Again So when the team there was tasked with...
(Video) Shave it by 3dar Studios
Animated short film by 3dar Studios. Based on a true story.
the birth certificate redesigned
Your first document "Born Again" When a little one comes into the world, graphic design is...
"Along the way" by vector artist Pascal Campion
Spring is Sprung This image inspired us today. Love it for so many reasons. Tomorrow, I plan on...