This simple vector animated portrait was inspired by the tidal wave of visual distractions in my...
Animated Gifs
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Interactive geometric animation display by Raven Kwok
Shanghai, China Math is beautiful when wielded by a true vector artist. Raven Kwok has a way with...
Minor adjustments have major effects
There is a great sense of accomplishment in the minutia of a design. The minor adjustments that...
(Animated GIF) A good design or a distracting one?
We want to know what you think Click below to see this animation from POP-Online.
Be Happy.
Easier said than done sometimes. I certainly don't have the recipe for bliss. So I'm not going to...
Spring Reflection
Melting bad habits. That Winter was brutal. Not just because of the crummy temperatures and ice...
Animated Gif – The Most Popular Girls' Names, State by State, from 1960 to the Present
Its like those animated maps showing the rise and fall of empires. A swarm of Jennifers consume...
How does a lock and key work? – (Animated Gif)
It makes sense when you split it in two I've always wondered how a lock and key work together....