Bubble Tea

by | Aug 25, 2021


One-of-a-kind NFT
Bubble Tea
by Adam Jarvis (aka. Vectorvault)

Sitting alone, with half of her mind on the events of the day. The other half immersed in an old book. Watching the words from the page ascend like champagne bubbles. Breaking from her story to throw a glance across the room.

The third in a premier series of
one-of-a-kind NFT creations.

Apr 4, 2021 at 4:42pm


About the art

This NFT is based on an original painting originally created for the Goddess Show (2002) at Sof Art House in Toronto. Curated by Stella Fakiyesi, this was a series of 20 female portraits. This one originally titled Pearls was purchased by Aki Abe of Cosmos Records. It hung on the wall beside the bar of his legendary Toronto night club “Una Mas“. Home to Reminisce, a classic house / 80’s RnB revival event that ran in Toronto for over 12 years.

In 2021, this piece was transformed into an animation and then minted into an NFT almost 20 years after it’s creation. From paining to crypto asset. This artwork is steeped in history and sentimental value.

About the artist

Officially recognized as a Canadian Digital Visual Artist by Canada Council for the Arts, Adam has built a strong artistic and design reputation. His work has been featured in Advanced Photoshop Magazine as well as several reputable art galleries in both Canada and abroad. His work is properly catalogued and supported with language to ensure value for future collectors.


This piece was purchased by Q of NFT Aficionado on Jun 17, 2021 at 5:23pm

Although this NFT is purchased, more 1 of 1 originals are available for review. Please take a moment to look at the Vectorvault one-of-a-kind Collection.



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    vectorvault NFT on Foundation vectorvault NFT on Foundation vectorvault NFT on OpenSea Vectorvault NFT Directory NFT Nat collage artist
    juggernaut illustration and design inc adam jarvis toronto creative director juggernaut illustration and design inc adam jarvis toronto creative director juggernaut illustration and design inc adam jarvis toronto creative director juggernaut illustration and design inc adam jarvis toronto creative director adam jarvis - canada council for the arts - digital artist adam jarvis - canada council for the arts - digital artist