bobmarley-wpap, originally uploaded by prayitnowidodo. Bob Marley is the greatest superstar that...
TSAnta Claus T-shirt design
Just in time for the holidays. Don't touch Santa's junk!
Vector Kawaii Pinocchio by Jerrod Maruyama
New Kawaii Pinocchio - Shirt Design, originally uploaded by Jerrod Maruyama. This is adorable. I'm...
Vector Thelonious Monk portrait by prayitnowidodo
monk-wpap, originally uploaded by prayitnowidodo. Thelonious Monk was a genius. So is...
Han Shot First – "Greedo" Star Wars Print by Florian Bertmer
Han shot first Click to enlarge. Florian has produced this extremely detailed portrait of Greedo...
My A-Tweetas! – Adidas Twitter Superstars
No, you are not seeing things. This is an pair of Twitter themed Adidas Superstars by designer...
Police checks in Pantone
Advertising Agency: Publicis Conseil Paris, France Chief Creative Officer: Olivier Altmann...
(VIDEO) – The T-Mobile Welcome Back Flash Mob
London - 27 October - Heathrow Airport: Passangers arriving at Heathrow Airport Terminal 5 were...
vector illustration – Chewbacca is a jerk
Even in outer space, this is NOT cool. Chewbacca has crossed the line and deserves his privates...
NOTICE – Site registration portal downtime
You may be asking yourself: "What's going on at Vectorvault these days?". For a while now, we've...
R2-D2 Exploded View Poster by Kevin Tong
We've been fans of Kevin Tong for a while now. Aside from being an extremely talented illustrator,...
(VIDEO) Star Wars vs. Saul Bass
36 Year old "bhilmers" created this wonderful adaptation of the opening credits for Star Wars - A...