3 of 3 – Ultra-Rares Available
*No more to be minted – ever.
You have no idea how many movie concepts I have swimming around in my head. It’s how I go to sleep at night. I fully art direct a new scene from my imagination and then I slowly get submerged in the details. The dreams that follow are full-out blockbusters playing in packed theatres across my subconscious.
The problem is, the same visuals that inspire me, are also keeping me up at night. Now, I finally have a repository for these animated concept renderings. Maybe I can finally get some “shut eye”.
Harvesting precious metals delivered by frozen barge. Hidden far from regulatory boards and judgement. Extracting and processing valuable materials while the watchers watch from above. Wobbling within a gravity ripple.
Take a closer look
If you like it, please share it.
You may even have a dream about it – who knows.
Thanks for your interest this digital art collection.