This week I turned 50. The day after my birthday, I took a stroll down memory lane. I revisited projects that I had forgotten and refreshed my memory with the stories behind each. I tweeted 50 stand out projects one at a time and then collected them into this post.

I’ve been running a design business since 1993, and producing art even longer than that. I may not be “the best there ever was”, but I’m certainly not a dime a dozen. I just needed a reminder. Ironically, the person to remind me was myself.

A special thank you to all of the people who worked on these projects with me. Without their contributions, conflict and confidence, none of them would exist. As far as the next 50, not all of you are coming along for the ride. I thank you for getting me here just the same. Fifty years. Wow.


Fifty portfolio pulls to split a hundred in half


How was my birthday?

Pretty great.

Did I miss anything?

Let me know some of your favourites in the comment section below. Who knows, you may even convince me to give one of these above “the bump” and substitute yours in. Wadda you got?

More lists of 50 of my favourite things

Want some more? Wanna see what makes me “Tick”?:


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